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Gruppo Lo Conte

Il Gruppo Lo Conte è leader in Italia nella produzione di farine speciali e preparazioni per dolci.

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Authentic Italian Pizza
The recipe for authentic classic Italian pizza made with Molino Vigevano's Pizza Flour
Cups of Pizza Flour by Molino Vigevano 4
Cup of room-temperature water 1
Tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil 3
Tablespoon of salt 1

The authentic Italian Pizza made with Pizza Flour by Molino Vigevano.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Ideal for 2 people

Authentic Italian Recipe


The doughStep 1: The dough

Put the flour in a bowl with salt, slowly add water and knead for 2-3 minutes. Add oil then continue to knead for 10 minutes. Remember: yeast is already in the flour. The dough it’s ready when it looks smooth and silky.

Put the dough in a bowl, cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.

Base for pizzaStep 2: Base for pizza

After 20 minutes put the dough in a pan and use your hands to widen it to the edges, being careful not to make it too thin.

Cover up with transparent film and leave to rise for 3 hours at about 20°C / 68°F of temperature.

CookingStep 3: Cooking

After 3 hours, spread the tomato sauce and then cook the pizza in the pan for 10-15 minutes in a static oven, previously preheated at 280 ° C / 536 ° F.

Remove the pizza, add mozzarella and other ingredients 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking, then replace it in the oven for the last 3-4 minutes to finish cooking.

This recipe was designed to be made with…

Pizza Flour

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