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Gruppo Lo Conte

Il Gruppo Lo Conte è leader in Italia nella produzione di farine speciali e preparazioni per dolci.

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The Ancient Wheat Risciola

Ancient soft wheat flour milled with stone with wheat germ

The flour from Antico Risciola Wheat, cultivated using integrated farming method by farmers from Campania, was selected by the Communita del Grano Antico Risciola (Community for Ancient Rice and Wheat), and is available in 10 kg bags of ground stone milled flour.
This flour is the fruit of the harvest of a small community of farmers in Irpinia,  and is a valuable, delicate grain that is available in limited quantities.
The concept for ​​the Lo Conte Group’s social project is simple: to plant native grains again, in healthy, controlled and naturally fertile lands, entrusting their cultivation to young, passionate farmers and leave nature to do the rest.
>>> Go to the site of Comunità del Grano Risciola – Irpinia

Short supply chain, sustainable agriculture, social innovation

La Risciola is a traditional variety of soft wheat which has been cultivated in Italy since 1500, mainly in Molise, Campania and Basilicata. It forms part of the  family of ancient wheat varieties, and its seeds have not been crossbred or modified over the years, which means it has retained all its original nutritional qualities.
Moreover, these seeds have been created to germinate in a specific territory, the Irpinia, and because of this, they are healthier. The ancient grains, moreover, have a low gluten content and are highly digestible and nutritious, our seeds have not been cross-bred or modified, so the flavour and nutritional properties have been preserved intact.
Those of use who work the land to obtain the best raw material, fully understand that if the environment and its biodiversity are not preserved, no product will prosper. Protecting the area, protecting its wholesomeness, protecting our young people by giving their love for an ancient and noble trade back, and restoring the satisfaction of seeing seeds from long ago germinate again, is all tucked away inside the tiny seeds we have planted.

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The stories of the farmers of the Ancient Risciola Wheat community

The seeds of ancient Risciola Wheat have not been crossbred or modified over the years, meaning that it retains all its original nutritional qualities.

Ancient Risciola Wheat : the stories of Joseph

We work the land for the best raw material, we know well that if the environment and its biodiversity are not preserved, no product can prosper.

The farmers of the community

Protecting the territory, protecting its wholesomeness, protecting our young people by giving them back their love for an ancient and noble trade and the satisfaction of seeing seeds sprout long ago, there is all this inside the small seeds that we have planted.

The farmers of the community

The "Risciola" seeds are born to sprout in a specific territory: the pristine land of Irpinia, in Campania.

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