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Gruppo Lo Conte

Il Gruppo Lo Conte è leader in Italia nella produzione di farine speciali e preparazioni per dolci.

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Authentic italian Fresh Pasta
The recipe for authentic Italian Fresh Pasta made with Molino Vigevano's Pasta Flour
Cups of pasta flour 4
Cup of room-temperature water 1
Medium eggs 5
Tablespoon of salt 1 – ¼

Authentic italian Fresh Pasta

The authentic Italian Fresh Pasta made with Pasta Flour by Molino Vigevano.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Ideal for 6 people

Authentic Italian Recipe Pasta


Pasta Flour - The DoughStep 1: The dough

Put the flour in a bowl with water or eggs, salt and knead all the ingredients for 10 minutes, until the dough is smooth, compact and hard.

Wrap the dough in the transparent film and let it rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Pasta Flour - Roll out the doughStep 2: Roll out the dough

When the dough has softened, divide it into four parts and start rolling out each part with the help of a rolling pin.

Roll out the dough of 1mm thick for ravioli and filled pasta, 2 mm for tagliatelle and fettuccine.

Pasta Flour - Roll out the doughStep 3: Tagliatelle

Spread the dough, let it dry a little, sprinkle with flour and slowly roll it up itself forming cylinders, with the help of a knife cut the dough in the sizes you want and then separate them by shaking with your hand.

Cook in plenty of salted water for 4 minutes or more.


This recipe was designed to be made with…

Pasta Flour

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